Wednesday, December 29, 2010

7 Days Using the Samsung Galaxy Instead of the iPad

This is an update to my previous post on the Samsung Galaxy Tab where I was using it exclusively over my iPad for a week in my normal work day.  Now I'm not a professional gadget reviewer, but I'm a heavy user of technology and a developer of knowledge enterprise solutions for my clients. So being on top of technologies that help in my normal workday as well as ones that can be utilized in enterprise offerings is essential.

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF):  The Galaxy Tab performed extremely well for me and I noticed no real loss of productivity when switching from the iPad.  Actually in some cases I preferred the Galaxy Tab over the iPad (portability, Google integration, typing blackberry style, double camera, and of course flash).  I will give my iPad its due when it comes to the screen size (reading and drawing/writing on the screen). So I’m now switching over completely for the next month to see how it goes.  I’ll report back in Feb.

One of the first things that I noticed was the size of the device.  It is small compared to the iPad.  Smaller than I thought it would be.  But I have to say that the portability of the device was a major plus throughout my day.  I can actually fit in my jacket pocket without any issue and it is large enough to use effectively.  The most surprising feature of the Galaxy Tab was the virtual keyboard which gets a benefit from the size of the Tablet.  The Blackberry is the gold standard as to how I rate keyboard use on a mobile device. The size of the Galaxy Tab affords the user a two handed thumb input like I use on the Blackberry.  It is truly more efficient to use than the iPad for typing – just shy of Blackberry efficiency.

One of the first challenges I faced with the Galaxy Tab was applications.  I’m very comfortable with my lineup of apps for the iPad (see my latest post on productivity apps).  Within minutes I was cooking with gas downloading some of my favorite apps like Evernote, ZumoDrive, DocsToGo, Yammer, Newsy, Pulse, Twitter, Dropbox, Movies, and Pandora as well as setting up apps that came with the Galaxy such as Gmail, Calendar, Voice, and YouTube to name a few.  Now I admit I’m a heavy Google user so the Android on the Galaxy Tab is just a natural fit and its integration on the device is much smoother than on the iPad.  One of the concerns I had for the Galaxy Tab was integration with pod casts.  iTunes and the iPad just work well with my media.  Google Listen fixed all those pod cast concerns.

In two cases I was not able to get the same app that I use on the iPad.  Those are Reeder and Instapaper.  But with both, there was a quick solution.  For Reeder I just downloaded Google Reader (which is my go to desktop RSS application) and InstaFetch which integrates seamlessly with my Instapaper account.  So with all the hype about there being more and better apps from the iTunes store it really turned out to me a non-issue for me.  I do have to say that I miss Flipboard on the iPad, but I can live with Pulse on the Android instead.

There were a couple new apps that I discovered that added to the usefulness of the Galaxy Tab (Fring, Chrome to Phone).  Fring is basically a VTC capability for the Galaxy Tab utilizing the forward facing camera.  You can get it for the iPhone but it doesn’t do much good on the cameraless iPad.  I’ve used it between other Android devices, the iPhone and between other Galaxy tab devices.  It works pretty well but requires a lot bandwidth to be effective. 

Another area where the Galaxy Tab really shines was with Flash integration.  No more web sites that don’t work.  Also this is a picture of me watching the Tuesday night NFL game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Minnesota Vikings on the Galaxy Tab for free.  I couldn’t get that to work on my iPad.  Enough said.

One last comment on the comparison, reading on the iPad is far better than on the Galaxy Tab.  The screen size is far better for this function.  Magazines, articles, and even drawing on the iPad are more comfortable and natural.  I also haven’t found a comparable app to Penultimate on the Galaxy either. 

With a good initial experience on the Galaxy Tab, I'm switching over to the Galaxy Tab from the iPad to really kick the tires on it over the next month.  I've really seen no loss in productivity using it instead of my iPad and have found some benefits.  I'll report back in February on how it goes.  Probably just in time to be getting the new iPad..

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My 2010 Productivity App Lineup for the iPad

This is an update to my post back in May when I had my iPad for only a month.  Now I’ve got over 8 months of time working with the iPad in my daily work life.  I have come to use it exclusively over my laptop.  As you know I’m also experimenting with the Samsung Galaxy Tab as well; more to follow on that later.  Here is an update to the list of Productivity Apps that I currently use the most.  I’ll be updating the other categories of apps in a later post.

This is my essential workhorse throughout the day.  It allows you to type a text note, clip a web page, grab a screenshot, organize into notebooks, search, and synchronize it all across the cloud with all of my computers and mobile devices.  This is the number one app that I use in every meeting.

GoodReader.  This is really my local file management system for the iPad.  It allows me to open .doc. .ppt .xls, and PDFs, download them into folders and have them available even when offline.

Penultimate.  When you need to draw a picture or collaborate with someone on an idea this is my go to app.  It works with a stylus or finger stroke and is very accurate and easy to get started quickly.  One thing to note is that drawings can be shared directly into Evernote via email as a multiple page PDF document for later access.

DocsToGo.  As much as I try to use Google Docs these days, you just can’t get away from Microsoft completely.  DocsToGo is my go to app for creating and editing .doc, .xls, and .ppt on the iPad.  The editing of .ppt is really limited and I rarely use it but it does do some simple stuff.  It has a feature to allow you to save to Dropbox which I’ve linked to my ZumoDrive – which I’m a heavy user of these days.  There are two versions of this app; I’ve selected to us the premium one costing a whopping $14 when I bought it making it my most expensive app to date.  It does make you wonder why everything having to do with Microsoft is so expensive.

I’ve made a complete move into the Cloud and ZumoDrive is my go to storage location. ZumoDrive keeps me synced up across all my different devices thereby eliminating the fragmentation problems of yesteryear when I had files stored on multiple hard drives.  Today, I can access files on my iPad, Macbook Air, Dell Precision at work, Samsung Galaxy, etc… On the iPad I find the file I need on the ZumoDrive app and open it into GoodReader or DocsToGo without any issues.  No more fragmentation.

We’ve recently rolled out Yammer into our enterprise at work and it has taken off.  Yammer is an enterprise microblogging capability meant to make organization more productive through the exchange of short frequent answers and discussions.  It is really Twitter for the enterprise.  I’ll post later on our experiences using Yammer at work.

I started using Google Voice back prior to the Nexus One being release.  A single telephone number that I own really appealed to me, especially when I usually change cell phones once a year or more.  GV is a go to app for me to help manage my voice mails.  It allows me to triage the inbox as well as listen to them on any one of my mobile devices or computers.  Their transcription lacks a lot to be desired but you can get the jest from it most of the time.

When you travel as much as I do you need options when the unexpected arrives.  Kayak has a great user interface allowing me to play “what if” scenarios when traveling.

Two other apps that I get a lot of use out of and should be in the productivity category for me are Reeder and Instaper.  Both of these are used throughout my day but are really classified as News within the iTunes store.

Reeder.  Over the last few months I’ve tried NewsRack, Pulse, and Flipboard for linking into my RSS feeds.  I’m a heavy user of Google Reader on the desktop and having that synced with all my mobile devices is a must.  Although I like Flipboard’s interface on the iPad a great deal, Reeder has become my go to app for reading my feeds.  Its offline capability is a must when sitting on an airplane and it syncs well with my Google Reader account.

Instapaper.  How many times do you start reading an article on the web and don’t really have the time to finish it.  Instapaper is the solution.  When you find something of interest and don’t have much time to read it, just send it to into your Instapaper que.  Instapaper has a bookmarklet available for your desktop browser and syncs great when on the go with you iPad.  Also the ability to read when disconnected on an airplane is a key as well.

So there you have my line up of key productivity apps for my iPad.  I’m sure there will be more to come in the next year.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

24 Hours with the Galaxy Tab

BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front):  I'm really liking the device with its seamless integration of the critical apps that I use, as well as the form factor size.  It is really more convenient to carry around and use.  That said, it is easier to read long articles on the iPad 10" screen.

Most people would say that I'm a huge fan of my Apple iPad.  I've fully integrated into my work life using it at every meeting to help with productivity and keeping me organized.  It is the first item removed from my briefcase before taking a seat on an airplane and the last item I put down before turning out the lights. My MacAir Laptop isn't getting much use these days.

I would have to say that I was a little skeptical about a 7" pad; but I'm a heavy user of Google products such as GMAIL, Calendar, Docs, Reader, etc.  An Android device can make a lot of sense in my world, so I pick up a Samsung Galaxy Tab from Verizon 24 hours ago to check it out.

Taking it out of the box and getting the configurations setup were a piece of cake.  No more than 5 min before I was using it with key apps such as GMAIL , Contacts, Calendar, Talk, Reader and of course Google Voice.  Then came the next level of apps:  Evernote, ZumoDrive, Yammer, Twitter and Pandora.  All key to my day.  There was no difference in the performance of the apps on the Galaxy Tab vs the iPad.  All worked perfectly from the start, and BTW I'm liking the Verizon connection and performance.

I've read that there were issues with the resolution of the screen and that apps were not ready for a 7" form factor on Andriod.  From what I've experienced I cannot see any issues with their use.  The only drawback that I can see is the reading of articles such as the Economist magazine or PDF papers that just seem more practical on a larger 10" screen. 

My plan is to substitute the Galaxy Tab into my work routine over the next week and really kick the tires.  I'll be back with an update on how it performs.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Going Paperless in my Daily Work Day

I have worked over the last several months on using the iPad as a productivity device at work.  Two key apps that I'm using, Evernote and Penultimate, get the most use throughout my daily routine. 

Penultimate is the best handwriting app that I've tired.  It is fast and easy to begin taking notes and has become my go-to app for quickly jotting things down.  The notebook option works well but it takes time to organize your meetings along the notebooks you have set up.  Invariably you end up with notes from one project in another's notebook.  A key that I've found is utilizing a stylus with the app.  Using your finger just doesn't get the writing as small and legible as one would like.  My next app that I will be trying that is similar to Penultimate is Notability.

Evernote is one of my most utilized apps.  Its desktop and mobile clients work extremely well together across both PC and MAC platforms.  The use of tags really supports searching for notes from past meetings across each of the notebooks.  It also supports adding in key Penultimate notes via direct email. The only issue that I have with utilizing Evernote exclusively is the time that it takes to type vs using the stylus in Penultimate. 

Together these apps work well together throughout my meeting filled day and helps to keep me on track with the topics and actions without using paper. 

Monday, May 31, 2010

Enterprise Architectures - A Religious Debate

I recently saw a post from Clients From Hell discussing the use of Apple vs Windows and the debate it causes amongst users.    Here's my adaptation on the current debate within the Department of Defense on enterprise architectures.

Client:  Hey, just one final question before I send the funding for the program.  Do you use NCES or DIB? (Network Centric Enterprise Services) (Distributed Common Ground System Integration Backbone)

Me:  We will use a DIB.

Client:  That is a problem.  Do you have the ability to implement with NCES?  I am not a supporter of DIB based systems.

Me:  Typically for systems operating within a tactical environment, like yours, we would use a DIB.  Our implementation will allow you to inter-operate with NCES seamlessly.  This will not be a problem for NCES users.

Client:  I am a Christian and DIB systems are sinful, I do not want our program to be created with an architecture made with this corrupt system.  If I allowed you to create my program utilizing a DIB I would be just like Adam, taking a bite of the forbidden fruit.


Take my advise, destroy your DIB and repent for when judgement day comes.  It shall be you who is cast to hell for your sins.

Me:  Ugh!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Essential iPad Apps

Having my iPad now for over a month I've been experimenting with apps like crazy.  My top picks are:

Evernote is an essential app.  It allows you to type a text note, clip a web page, grab a screenshot, organize into notebooks, search, and synchronize it all across the cloud with all your computers.

GoodReader by Good.iWare is a superb pdf reader.  It integrates with google docs and handles common file formats such as docs, ppt, xls, etc.  It also support disconnected use when out of WiFi or 3G range.

Believe it or not, the iPad doesn't come with a calculator.  The PCalc Lite Calculator is a free app that does just the basics well.  A must

NewsRack is a complete RSS reader which integrates seamlessly with Google Reader or directly to RSS feeds.  You can read the full post or the web page without leaving the app.

Newsy is a free app that delivers content through short video segments from major news agencies (e.g. ABC, CNN, FOX, Reuters, etc.).

There are numerous news apps available.  My favorite is the free Reuters app.  It has a great interface with both text and video integration.

TweetDeck is a free app that allows integration with your twitter account.  It supports customizable-multiple column viewing of tweets, direct messages, etc.


The Pandora app is the companion to the popular Pandora Radio site which provides personalized radio streaming directly to your iPad.